Seville Square in Pensacola, Florida is the center of the old settlement of Pensacola by the Spanish after several unsuccessful attempts beginning in 1559. This was the earliest known attempt at settlement on the North American continent. Seville Square and its twin, Plaza Ferdinand VII, were the parade grounds for the Fort of Pensacola established during British rule.
In the 1960s a young group of local preservationists decided to work to restore the older parts of Pensacola. They formed the Pensacola Heritage Foundation, joined the National Trust, created the Seville Square Historic District, registered the district on the National Register of Historic Places, bought and restored with their own labor the historic Clara Barkley Dorr House on the square and convinced the city to restore Seville Square.The Seville Historic District is a place where settlers built homes along the bay. The settlers were Spanish, French and British. Pensacola was a seaport town - fishing, shipping, and naval stores were the backbone of community. The homes in the district date from the early and late 19th Century. These homes are some of the oldest in Florida.
Established in 1752 by a group of Spanish hurricane survivors from Santa Rosa Island. The British took West Florida after the French and Indian War of 1763. British surveyors mapped the existing streets. In 1781 the Spanish captured Pensacola and changed the street names to Spanish. These names remain the same today.
Seville Square is full of live oak trees. These trees give shade to visitors for picnics in the park. The trees are identified by their broad spreading crown, evergreen leaves and long acorns. At any time of day it is not unusual to find school children or adults relaxing and playing in the square.
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Pensacola: Seville Historic District:
Seville Square
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Seville Square
Old Christ Church can be seen in the upper left corner of the photograph.
Seville Square has a small swing set for the neighborhood children.
People of all ages enjoy the park. John Michael Roush is flying high on the baby swing.
The west side of the square is flanked by museum buildings such as the Dorr House seen in the upper left corner. A crowd is gathered to hear musicians play at the annual Jazz Festival.
The crowd is gathered to enjoy the annual Jazz Festival. Musicians stage events in the gazebo.
The gazebo is the central feature of the square.
The gazebo is the focus of community gatherings such as the one shown above which took place after the terrorist bombing of the WTC.
Neighbors gather in the square to light candles in rememberence of those killed in the terrorist attacks on America.
Patriotic speeches are given by ministers during the rally in Seville Square.
Nathan Savage points out a squirrel in a nearby oak tree to Sugarfoot.
What's Nearby?
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 308 East Government (21 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 310 East Government (59 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Baker, Norton, Bond Law Fi (150 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Hub Staceys Pub (158 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Dharma Blue Restaurant (162 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 305 South Adams Street (167 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Tre Fratelli Restaurant (173 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Kerrigan, Estees, Rankin, McLeod, and Thompson (191 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 226 East Government St (216 feet)
Pensacola: Historic Pensacola Village: Dorr House (221 feet)