The Apostle House is located at 245 East Intendencia Street. There is a 19th century water well in the rear of the building. The Laser and Skin Care Institute, P.A. is also located in the building.

Pensacola: Seville Historic District:
Apostle House
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Apostle House
What's Nearby?
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Rodney L. Rich And Company (14 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Michles And Booth P. A. (20 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 249 East Intendencia Stree (52 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 238 East Intendencia Street. (56 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 235 East Intendencia Stree (93 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 226 East Intendencia Street (126 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 227 East Intendencia Street (195 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Institute For Human And Machine Cognition (199 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Horace E. Shumpert, Consulting Engineers (254 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: AuBre International Day Spa (271 feet)