Billy Tarbuck lives in the Victorian shotgun cottage. The style of the house is long and narrow. It is one story high, one room wide and several rooms long, with the gable end of the roof facing the road. Architectural historians have traced the origin of the Shotgun house back to the early-nineteenth-century New Orleans, where it developed from African, French and American Indian traditions. These houses proliferated in industrial mill towns and Black neighborhoods from 1880's through the 1910's.

Pensacola: Seville Historic District:
329 East Intendencia Street
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 329 East Intendencia Street
What's Nearby?
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 331 East Intendencia Street (4 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 326 East Intendencia Stree (33 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 325 East Intendencia Street (40 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 317 East Intendencia Stree (109 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 311 East Intendencia Street (129 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 336 East Intendencia Street (139 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 211 South Florida Blanca Street (238 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 212 South Florida Blanca Street (283 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Horace E. Shumpert, Consulting Engineers (367 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: AuBre International Day Spa (379 feet)