The shotgun cottage is the home of Mrs. Pete Baucum. It was built in 1882. The rear of the building was the first black public schoolhouse in Pensacola. The three room addition was added in 1920.

Pensacola: Seville Historic District:
326 East Intendencia Stree
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 326 East Intendencia Stree
The shotgun house in the front was added to the two room school house in the rear.
The ceiling of the porch is painted sky blue to "scare" away the haunts or ghosts. The color of the house, shutters and ceiling are traditional and the most popular colors used during the 19th century.
What's Nearby?
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 329 East Intendencia Street (33 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 331 East Intendencia Street (33 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 325 East Intendencia Street (72 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 336 East Intendencia Street (107 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 317 East Intendencia Stree (141 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 311 East Intendencia Street (162 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 211 South Florida Blanca Street (215 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 212 South Florida Blanca Street (265 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: Lisa Minshew Attorney (391 feet)
Pensacola: Seville Historic District: 422 East Government Street (393 feet)