
Bluff Springs Campground

 thumbnail Century: Bluff Springs Campground

The campground is a wildlife refuge and camping facility comprised of 530 acres, covered with dogwoods, pines and assorted hardwood trees, nature and fitness trails, sleeping and meeting facilities, and a large recreational area. The grounds has two man-made lakes that provide fishing, boating, canoeing, sailing, and swimming. Located in a remote corner of the grounds is a wilderness camping area that is used by those who enjoy camping in a more primitive setting. The campground is located 39 miles north of Pensacola, Florida, 2 and 1/2 miles off Highway 29. The grounds are owned and operated by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Facilities include 10 cabins, a dormitory with 12 rooms, a cafeteria with a full-service kitchen, an activity building with classrooms and an auditorium. Bluff Springs is the oldest community in North Escambia County. Crary's Mill ran an electrical generator and a grist mill in the 1920s and 1930s. [click for more info](http://uwf.edu/anthropology/research/industrial/millsurvey/)