In contrast to the species of pine shown below, the sand pine is much shorter. Its form can be twisted with lower branches growing close to the ground.
The forest supports a variety of plants and trees in a typical open coastal wood.
Pieces of pine scrub trees decay slowly because of the high content of sap.
The shapes of the dead pine trees form a natural barrier in the undergrowth of Florida rosemary.
The trunks of the sand pine trees twist and turn into bizarre shapes.
The colors of Florida rosemary compliments the green lichens and mosses.
Lichens and mosses grown on the scrub pine trucks.
The lichens are like puff balls was they absorb water. Under dry conditions, the same lichens flatten and become dry and brittle.
Pine branches forms litter the forest floor.
Some of the sand pines have pinwheel shapes.
The sand pine scrub is a xeric, or exceedingly, dry, sandy community with a sparse understory of shrubby, evergreen oaks and an overstory of the sand pine.