The front of the farm faces Kleinschmidt Road. The deciduous trees are pecans. There is a grove along the property line on the east side of the farm. The Heil home is a small craftsman cottage in the center of the frame.
A dirt road runs alongside of the east field. Rolls of irrigatioin equipment and outbuildings can be seen in the right side of the frame. The greens can be seen int he center. There is a utility line alongside on the far left.
The utility buildings and irrigation equipment can be seen in the distance along the tree line.
A pecan orchard frames the field of greens along the dirt road.
Much of the produce in the area is grown in the Elberta farm community.
The narrow dirt road runs alongside fields of vegetables
An original water well is located east of the farm house.
This specatular sunset can be seen from the Carpenter's kitchen window.
The cottage is a Gulf Coast architectural style with two front doors. The house was divided into two one-room apartments. The pyramid roof was once a common sight in Pensacola. The style is wind-resistant during hurricanes and tropical storms.
This view of the cottage is taken from the side yard of the Lear-Rocheblave House across the street.
The house is a good example of a French Creole Cottage. It is rectanglular design with a central hallway and high ceilings.
The cottage was built in 1860.
Pecan trees divide the homestead's driveway from the adjacent fields.
Mennonite farmers are making agriculture a viable way of life in Escambia County.