A writing desk creates a point of interest in the upstairs hall.
The heart pine flooring is original to the house and has been lovingly restored.
The Farmers Opry is family oriented. All ages enjoy the music.
Delicious country style meals are served.
Miss Welch is ready for her stage performance.
The Roush family enjoy an evening at the opry.
As in the central hall, the gothic arch form is repeated in doorways throughout the building.
The office is located at the end of the downstairs central hall.
Floors thoughout the building are terreza.
The dining hall and community gathering place is located on Wolfe Creek.
This view shows the hall and family room.
The downstairs guest bedroom is at the end of the central hall.
The door to the east front parlor opens off the front hall.
This is a view of the rear of the staircase.
The staircase is situated in the rear of the central hall.
During October, it is a family tradition to put a jack-o-lantern in the south attic window. "On Halloween, some kids won't come up the sidewalk when they see it illuminated," claims Wesley Odom, the current owner. "If the kids knew there really are ghosts in the house, they certainly wouldn't come."
Richard Brosnaham and Dora Johnson are standing in the central corridor of the second floor of the museum.