The gravemarker is a typical style of the "Woodmen of the World". Joseph Cullen Root founded the Woodman of the World life insurance and fraternal organization. It was reported that Root's idea for "Woodmen" came from a speech he heard about woodsmen clearing away forests to provide shelter for their families. Others speculated that Root visualized himself as the root that would grow into a shelter, protecting members from financial disaster.
The cemetery is on the east side of the station.
Ms. Dolores Mary Charbonier (1855 - 1939) is portrayed by Jennifer Batchelder. Dolores ran the family estate after the deaths of her father and brother, and left an estate of $5,000 in gold to her sister, Pauline, upon her death. Pauline was left at the alter by a sailor and never married. The sisters lived together in their Pensacola home their entire lives until Dolores death in 1939. The family home still stands at 335 East Intendencia Street.
Lawrence Grimes portrays Thomas William Brent (1808 - 1875). He served as Commander in the US Navy and as Commander of the Confederate States of America. He saw action in the Mexican-American War and the Civil War. After settling in Pensacola, Thomas fathered eleven children and worked in the city's fire and casulaty insurance business.