The home is located on a cul-de-sac with water on two sides. This is the southern facade of the house.
The great room has a view overlooking Escambia Bay facing north.
The back porch view shows the shallow width of Dead Man's Island. The bay side of the island has narrow dune formations. Sea grasses and trees are the vegetation on the channel side of the island.
The small boat house can be seen in the center of the photograph. Dead Man's Island is a narrow strip of land separating Escambia Bay from the channel.
The house is visible in the upper right of the frame. The photograph is taken from the vantage point of the channel, facing southeast. The swing is on the lower right of the frame.
Dead Man's Island is the left bank of the channel leading out into Escambia Bay.
A small boat is visible in the center frame. Small rocks form a retaining wall along the south side of the channel.