
A view of the altar facing the south wall of the church.

A reverse of the above picture shows Charlie Kilpatrick, a church officer.

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church was built in 1923. It is located in north Escambia County.

The First Baptist Church is located on Church Street.

The station is located between the village of Bagdad and Milton, Florida on Henry Street.

Passenger trains were discontinued and the depot closed in 1973. With the help of a small Bicentennial grant the depot was repoened on July 4, 1976.

The dining car can be accessed from the loading platform.

The loading platform is on the east side of the building. The tracks can be seen on the far right of the building.

The original equipment used at the station is displayed on the loading dock.

The store is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Highway 4 and the Munson Highway.

A breakfast nook is located off the kitchen.


The underpass structure serves as a billboard for graffiti.

The altar is the original which was returned to Christ Church in the mid-1970’s. The chancel chairs came from a church in Detroit are are dated 1870.






Lawrence Grimes portrays Thomas William Brent (1808 - 1875). He served as Commander in the US Navy and as Commander of the Confederate States of America. He saw action in the Mexican-American War and the Civil War. After settling in Pensacola, Thomas fathered eleven children and worked in the city's fire and casulaty insurance business.