
The kitchen is on the west side of the second floor.

The kitchen is on the west side of the second floor.

The kitchen is on the west side of the second floor.

The kitchen is on the west side of the second floor.

Libby Adams perches in the window.

The LaValle House is located in the Pensacola Historic Village. The facade faces Church Street. It is separated from the Julee Cottage by a small green space.

Currently, the house has been leased for use as an art gallery, "Expressions".

The house is situated on the south side of Zaragoza Street between the Moreno and Weaver Cottages.

The house is a good example of a French Creole Cottage. It is rectanglular design with a central hallway and high ceilings.





American flags can be found flying from cottages in the historic district. The Creole Cottage is located on Cevallos Street.



The cottage is located on Intendencia Street.

The historic name for the cottage is the "Langley House," built around 1880.

The Victorian cottage is shotgun style which is one room wide with a hall through the length of the house.


The cottage is located on Zaragoza Street. It is an exceptional renovation of a home that was originally built in 1895.

The realty firm is located on Government Street near Seville Square.


Dr. Fowler has a general practice located on Government Street. This is the first family practice office to locate in the district.


The cottage is located on Intendencia Street. The construction period is estimated from 1830 - 1862.

The Suzannah Cottage was built in 1804 and is the oldest structure in the district.

The building is located on Government Street.

The company is located in the Flynn House on Intendencia Street.

This side view of the porch shows the fine detail of this Creole cottage.

The facade of these Victorian buildings shows the unique alignment of the front porches and the arrangement of the buildings almost immediately adjacent to the sidewalk.