The bungalow style can be traced to India, where it was used by the British in the 19th century to designate a house type that was one story high and had large, encircling porches. Low houses with wide roofs and deep arches were common in Bengal. Our word is a British corruption of the Hindu adjective meaning 'belonging to Bengal'.
In 1909, in his Craftsman Homes, Gustav Stickley sought to tell what the style was all about, declaring that a bungalow was a "house reduced to its simplest form," one that "nevr fails to harmonize with its surroundings, because its low broad proportions and lack of ornamentation give it a character so natural and unaffected that its seems to blend into any landscape".
The hipped roof is a distinguishing feature of the bungalow style which is particularly appropriate for hot climates, since warm air rises up into the high roof and leaves the rooms below cooler.
The half acre, 150 x 125 foot lot still benefits from the masterful gardening of the Larcom family who owned the home for decades. The Berthelots are particularly indebted to camellia expert Franklin B. Larcom whose legacy blooms faithfully each winter and spring.
Rough and irregular brickwork is distinctive of the craftsman style. Clinker-bricks were originally discarded because they were discolored or distorted. Around 1920, they were discovered by Craftsman architects to be usable, distinctive and charming! The name "clinker-brick" comes from the sound that they would make when banged together, being heavier than regular bricks.
Click here to see other examples of clinker bricks.
The back of the cottage faces the LaValle House.
The yacht club is located on Cypress Street at the entrance to Bayou Chico.