
A branch of the Coldwater Creek flows through the Matthews property.


The oak-shaded road leads to the cemetery.

On a hill just west of the Village of Bagdad, Florida in Northwest Florida, in the middle of mighty live oaks, rest the people who created, with their own bare hands, notably the largest economic concerns in the State of Florida at the turn of the 20th Century.

County roads wind through the Blackwater River State Forest and Park.

Florida's surface water systems offer some of the states most attractive recreational enticements. Here dozens of bathers enjoy a swim in the Blackwater River.

There is a three mile length of winding road through this section of the forest.



Blackwater streams are found in sandy lowlands, mostly in the Panhandle.

This is an example of an upland longleaf pine forest with wire grass ground cover.

The outline of the waterfall is etched in the limestone. However, during a dry spell there is no water flowing over the falls. Bracken fern and mosses grow along the limestone walls of the sink hole.

An roots of a long-leaf pine tree resemble an octopus.

Walkways and fences surround the sinkhole area.

The boardwalk leads the hiker through the uplands pine forest.



Saw palmettos and oak trees line old Pensacola-St. Augustine road which parallels US 98 for 2.2 miles and is the longest foot trail in this part of the park. It is also one of the last remaining remnants of Florida's first highway. Today it passes through an interesting collection of coastal habitats that include sand pine scrub, and harwood hammocks, characterized chiefly by live oak, southern magnolia nd pignut hickory.

Miles of narrow roads connect the cabins with the main camp buildings.

A typical small bunkhouse has a screened in backporch.

Wolfe Creek is adjacent to several cabins built on the waters edge.

The Old Schoolhouse Inn offers luxury accomodations.

The rooms at the School House have high ceilings and hardwood floors. Each room has a full bath, microwave, coffeepot and mini refrigerator.

There is a old growth forest of long-leaf pines surrounding the cleared acreage.

There is a small restaurant about one mile from Munson Highway

The first 1/2 mile of the road winds through a forested area.

The term hammock is applied to an area characterized by a diverse collection of bother deciduous and evergreen hardwood trees.










The sand scrub pine trees have odd and twisted shapes.

The sand pine forest is located on the sound side of the key on older dunes.

Ridges of old dunes form hills and valleys through the forest.

In contrast to the species of pine shown below, the sand pine is much shorter. Its form can be twisted with lower branches growing close to the ground.

The overstory in some locations is composed of an older growth of short-leafed pine tree.

A myrtle oak is surrounded by a lichen ground cover.

Twisted shapes of dead scrub pines litter the forest floor.

The forest supports a variety of plants and trees in a typical open coastal wood.

Florida rosemary is a sand-loving evergreen shrub.

Saw palmettos form a dense groundcover in part of this forest community.

A variety of lichen and moss are the most common ground cover.

Pieces of pine scrub trees decay slowly because of the high content of sap.

The shapes of the dead pine trees form a natural barrier in the undergrowth of Florida rosemary.

The trunks of the sand pine trees twist and turn into bizarre shapes.

The colors of Florida rosemary compliments the green lichens and mosses.

Lichens and mosses grown on the scrub pine trucks.

The lichens are like puff balls was they absorb water. Under dry conditions, the same lichens flatten and become dry and brittle.

Pine branches forms litter the forest floor.

Some of the sand pines have pinwheel shapes.

Lichen grow in shaded areas of the sand scrub forest.

The number of trees and shrubs inhabit these typical communities of slash pine lowlands and hardwood swamps along the Perdido River.

The ecosystem function of this river corridor system directly affects the water quality in the Perdido River and Perdido Bay and the estuaries of the system.

In the biology of trees, a cypress knee is a distinctive structure in a root of a cypress tree of any of various species of the subfamil Taxodioideae. A likely function is that of structural support and stabilization and assist in anchoring the tree in the soft, muddy soil.