
The building at the far end of the street is Ole Willie Restaurant.

Highway 98 or Laurel Avenue has a number of restored storefront buildings such as the pharmacy and art center pictured above.

Stacey's Pharmacy is the most business location on Laurel Avenue for tourists who come through Foley to shop at the Rivera Outlet Mall.

The Mexican restaurant is located in the building directly across the street from Stacey's Drugstore on Laurel Avenue.

This is a view of Laurel Avenue looking east. Stacey's Pharmacy is the building on the corner in the center of the frame.

These storefront buildings are linked facades that line Laurel Avenue across from Stacey's Pharmacy.

The Milton Drugstore at 128 Willing Street was rebuilt in 1910 after a fire. It burned again in 1987.

The buildng on the left at the foot of the bridge was known as the Fisher-Hamilton Hardware. It is one of the oldest structures in the downtown area, probably dating from after the 1892 fire.

The Blackwater river and the riverwalk can be seen in the right of the photograph.

This was one of the first brick buildings constructed after the 1909 fire.

From this vantage point, main street leads to the bridge over the Blackwater River.

The Imogene Theater can be seen in the center of the photograph.

The town of Milton is located on the Blackwater River. Boats approaching Milton from Destin, Navarre, the Intercostal Waterway, Pensacola and the Gulf of Mexico can enjoy long-term and short-term docking or quiet anchorage in the gentle waters of the Blackwater.

The riverwalk park extends for three blocks in the historic district of the downtown area along the river.






The home is an interior design shop.

The Victorian house sits adjacent to large commercial locations.




The building is on the northwest corner of Chase and Tarragona Streets. In 2002 the building was elaborately decorated and renamed the "Candy Factory" for the Christmas season. The firm received the grand prize in the Pensacola Historic District Property Owners Christmas Decorating Contest.

The Blount Building is located on the corner of Palafox Place and Garden Street in the downtown historic district.

The building dominates the first block of Palafox Place with the three-story addition alongside of the seven story main structure.

The building is typical of the Chicago style of commercial architecture. New technology and materials produced the skeleton-framed skyscraper.

These buildings like classical columns had a base consisting of the lower two stories, a main shaft in which vericality was emphasized by piers between the widows and an elaborate and boldly projecting terra-cotta cornice.

In this northern view, the new Federal Courthouse can be seen on the left in front of the spires of St. Michael Church.

The windows are characteristic of the commercial style. As in the Blount Building, the Chicago window was composed of a large fixed central pane flanked by two narrow casements that provided ventilation. Large display windows occupy the gound-floor level.

A view to the south shows the first block of Palafox Place.

The Episcopal church is a fine example of Spanish Revival architecture.





The U.S. Postoffice building is located on the corner of Romana Street and Palafox Place.

The church is located on the corner of Chase and Palafox Street in downtown Pensacola.

The sandwich shop is located on the southeast corner of Romana Street and Palafox Place.

The building occupies the northwest corner of Jefferson and Main Street.

The sculpture garden faces Main Street.

These warehouses are located on Jefferson and Main Street in the historic district of downtown Pensacola.