
A historic marker at the corner of Spring and Brainard designates the site of Fort San Bernardo which is the highest point in the neighborhood. The fort was built by Don Bernardo de Galvez, Governor of Spanish Louisiana. From this fort the Spanish bombarded the English-held Fort George: April 27, 1781 and Fort George surrendered May 9, 1781. 15,000 soldiers occupied the fort. As a result of the battle all of Florida from the Apalachicola River to the Mississippi River passed from Britian to Spain.

The property is framed by a brick retianing wall, softened by fragrant jasmine. Wide welcoming stairs that curve around a huge live oak lead up from the street.



Cables attaching the roof to the cement foundation made this home a hurricane haven for the Doctor Payne and his staff.

There is an English-style landscaped garden in the rear of the home. It includes two fish ponds - one in the shape of Florida, ironstone rock borders, and a garden house.

The original clay chimney pots can be seen in this west view.