The East Hill residence was built in 1949. Renovations to the house began in 2000 with a facade change from the typical red brick ranch style. The standard ranch style house is a long, low brick house rambling and sprawling over a large grassy yard. Changes were designed by the present owners, Tricia and Michael Mangrum. The view of Bayou Texar inspired the use of the front of the house as an open-air living space

East Hill:
2109 Whaley Drive
East Hill: 2109 Whaley Drive
The home is located on a large lot overlooking Bayou Texar. The lot is bisected by Whaley Avenue. A summer kitchen and boat dock are on the water side of the street.
The front is divided into three porch types - screen, open and glass enclosure.
Tricia Mangrum stands at the front door. The door on the right is for the office.
There is a glassed-in room used as an office in the front of the north wing of the house which matches the screen porch on the south wing.
The glassed-in front porch is used as an office by Michael Mangrum.
An open seating area is located between the screen porch and the glassed-in office.
The tree swing is a family favorite.
A screen porch is on the south wing of the home.
The screen porch enclosure is on the south side of the house.
The screen porch functions as a dining area.
The ceiling is finished with beaded pine.
Bayou Texar can be seen from the screen porch.
The living room adjoins the open front porch.
The corner shelves divide the living room and family room.
The interior dining area in the family room is adjacent to the dining area on the screen porch.
The kitchen is in the rear of the family room.
The counter top on the island is fabricated with stained concrete.
The kitchen floor is finished with porcelin tiles shaped like bricks.
What's Nearby?
East Hill: 2000 Whaley Avenue (326 feet)
2405 E Scott St (0.3 miles)
2111 Banquos Ct (0.3 miles)
East Hill: 2020 East Mallory Street (0.3 miles)
East Hill: 2010 East Mallory Street (0.3 miles)
East Hill: 2200 East Mallory Street (0.3 miles)
East Hill: 2000 East Mallory Street (0.3 miles)
East Hill Cottage - 1900 Mallory Street 32503 (0.4 miles)
2741 Banquos Dr (0.5 miles)
East Hill: Bayview Park (0.5 miles)